A Message about Grading and School Work

Many of you have asked PEN about student work load and grades. We spoke with the PUSD Administration to try to get your concerns addressed, and here is what we were told. But first, we want to say thank you to everyone…teachers, staff, and families…who are working so hard to keep our children engaged.

When schools first closed, PUSD signed an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with UTP (United Teachers of Pasadena). Because at that time everyone thought the school closures would be short term, the MOU said that grading was at the discretion of the teacher. Given what we know now, PUSD leadership is looking for a new proposal that is student-centered and not punitive. Students are dealing with many issues, and no one wants our students’ grades to drop because of challenging circumstances at home. They expect to have an answer to whether there is room to change the grading procedures sometime during the week of April 13.

The PUSD Administration is in contact with principals on a regular basis. Secondary principals met to talk through the best schedule for their students. Although they are working together to synchronize schedules, each principal will determine what is best for their school community.

PUSD does recognize that this is new not just for teachers but also for parents and students. So, while teachers are figuring out the quantity and quality of the work, parents should also be figuring out how to navigate this time so that it works for their students and family. Families should feel free to set up their own schedules for doing assigned work based on the guidelines that the district provided. Take frequent breaks. Stay as connected to your teachers, and the programs/assignments as possible so that your students can optimize learning opportunities. If there is too much work, let your teacher know. If you’re concerned that your elementary student has too much screen time, let your teacher know. If you aren’t satisfied with the response, contact your principal.

While implementing at-home learning, PUSD is also aware that summer school options may need to be re-designed to meet the needs of our students. Decisions about summer school are forthcoming.

This is a stressful and challenging time for everyone. So, hug your family, and remember that we’re in this together and we’ll be together again soon.